​​​​​​​​​​Forms & documents


To Enroll in ACH Payments

MAP is offering families the opportunity to have their monthly tuition and any related MAP expenses debited directly from their bank account via an electronic bank to bank payment called ACH (Automated Clearing House). In order to participate in this optional form of payment, families must complete and return the Authorization Agreement and provide MAP with a cancelled check. MAP families will continue to receive a monthly tuition statement on the 15th of each month, and tuition payments will be due on the 1st of the following month. ACH payments will be drawn from participating families accounts in batches, starting on the 1st and may occur within the first 5 business days of the month. Families may enroll at any time. Enrollment forms must be received by the 15th of the month in order for ACH payments to be processed on the 1st. MAP will confirm your enrollment via email. Click Here>> for the enrollment form

To Register for MAP for 2025-2026
MAP will be accepting 2025-2026 registration forms for NEW FAMILIES between Friday, February 21 through Friday, March 7, 2025.  Families are welcome to register at any time and enrollment will be dependent upon space availability. 

MAP Registration forms are available by clicking on the links below. In order to register for MAP, families must know their child’s school placement and schedule needs.  MAP does its very best to accommodate as many children as possible.  In the event registration exceeds available space, a lottery and placing children on the wait list will be necessary.  

Jump Start 2025-2026:  a program at our North Street/Memorial School location for 4 and 5 year old children not yet in kindergarten, a fun & enriching experience for preschool aged children.   

Kindergarten 2025-2026:  a program at our North Street/Memorial School location for children enrolled at the Memorial school full day kindergarten.  

Grades 1-6 2025-2026:  Programming for children in grade 1 attending the Memorial school, children in grades 2 & 3 attending the Wheelock school, and children in grades 4, 5, and 6 attending either the Dale Street School or the Blake Middle School. 

A registration fee is required to complete a child's registration. The Executive Director will be in touch regarding availability for requested schedules. When confirming enrollment, a two week refundable tuition deposit is required. Prior to starting MAP, families will be sent required forms to complete to help us care their child.  Please contact Annette Gallagher, the Executive Director, with any questions @ 508.359.0003 or email: annette.map@comcast.net

Child Information Form

Child Information Forms for 2025-2026 will be emailed to all enrolled families in mid-July 2025 and can be accessed by clicking this link (once available)  All families with children enrolled in MAP for 2025-2026 must complete a child information form prior to their child attending MAP.  This form can be emailed or mailed to MAP and is due by (TBD).  MAP must have these completed forms before children can attend the program.  

Developmental History & Current Physical

All JUMP START families enrolled in MAP for 2025-2026 must complete a DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY (click here) prior to their child attending the program.  Jump Start families are also required to provide MAP with a copy of their child's current physical.  Both are due back to MAP by (TBD for 2025-2026). 

Health Plans

In order to keep children safe at MAP, families with children having a health or medical condition, allergy, who take medicine at home or school, or who may need to have medication at MAP, are required to:  contact their child's program director, complete the appropriate plan/forms below. We as all families to complete the MAP forms for consistency for our staff when accessing the information. Copies of supporting information should be sent as well.  Please read through the different descriptions of each form to choose the appropriate form that pertains to your child. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s Program Director.

Meghan Jackson                                                 Alex Sakash                                                       Kurt Jackson
JS- K-1 Program (508) 359-2165                         2-3 Program (508) 359-8513                               4-6 Program (508) 359-2168
Meghan.map@comcast.net                               Alex.23map@gmail.com                                   kurt14.map@gmail.com        

Individual Health Care Plan- Families of children with any chronic medical or health condition which has been diagnosed by a doctor or licensed health care practitioner, including but not limited to serious allergies, anaphylaxis, asthma, ADD/ADHD, celiac disease, diabetes, epilepsy, physical disabilities, etc. which may or may not require medical treatment and/or medication at home, school or MAP are required to complete a MAP health forms and to contact their child's program director (below). Once forms are completed, families must set up a time to meet to review the forms, discuss your child’s condition, provide training, and drop off medications (if any) between August 7-18 2023. If enrolling during the school year, MAP must have the meeting, completed forms and medication at least one week prior to the child attending the program.For safety, children may not attend the program without their completed forms & medication (if any). 

Medication Consent Form - For both prescription and non-prescription medications that are NOT necessary for a severe allergy or a chronic condition. (examples: ibuprofen, antibiotics, etc.)  

Extra Day or Extended Day Form 

To request an extra day or extra time at MAP, please reach out to your child's program director, and they will send you a link to the google for. 

Schedule Changes

MAP requires 2 weeks written notice to make a schedule change (request an additional day, drop a day (from regular schedule or a special sign up day/vacation day), or withdraw from the program). Additional days are subject to space availability. Please email the Executive Director or your Child's Program Director to notify them of the change. Please be sure to update the school dismissal manager, notify your child's teacher of any schedule changes.

Site Specific Forms for 2nd-3rd Grade Program:

Site Specific Forms for 4th -6th Grade Program: 

Upcoming Special Sign-up Days: (not available for Jump Start)